Intercoiffure Mondial values both social responsibility and education, and the organisation combined those two values into meaningful charitable work several years ago. The organisation’s Education for Life (EFL) charity endeavours to open schools around the world to educate and encourage youth from disadvantaged backgrounds.
“Intercoiffure members stand on the bright side of life,” said Intercoiffure Mondial President Klaus Peter Ochs. “We have decided to make it our duty to get off the street young people who live on the darker side of life, in view of giving them a perspective in our profession.”
Education for Life is funded exclusively by donations and is supported by L’Oréal and Wella Hairdressing Service International.
Casa do Menor in Brazil
In 2004, EFL supported a pilot program outside of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, called “Casa do Menor.” The charity installed a small school to teach the basics of hairdressing and ultimately place the young people trained into jobs at local salons. Under the supervision of the president of Intercoiffure Brazil, 80 young people are trained at the school each year, and 90% of those young people have found employment
Kinderzukunft in Romania
Together with the Rudolf Walther Foundation, EFL opened a school in Timisoara, Romania in 2006, which was equipped by Welonda and supplied with Wella Professionals products. The school runs a six-month training course for 14 young people each year. At the end of their course, the trainees take an exam and, if they pass, they are awarded a certificate that is recognised by the State, which is the best credential for employment. In its first three years, the school assisted 55 young people in earning their hairdressing diploma.
Fortaleza in Brazil
EFL established a relief program and training center in the north of Brazil for abused young people, aged 16 to 21. Many of these youth have no family or social ties, and life on the street can lead to drugs and prostitution. However, since its opening, the EFL center has trained nearly 200 abused young people in the art of hairdressing and prepared them for a better future.
Kinderzukunft in Bosnia
In 2008, EFL opened a new school in the village of Selo Mira, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The region has been devastated by civil war in recent years, and EFL aims to help teenagers obtain professional training, and a brighter future, through its school. Currently, the school is training 30 young women in a 3-year professional education curriculum.
Intercoiffure Romania School in Romania
Over the past few years, EFL has established two more hairdressing schools in Romania, and both offer 6-month courses that have been certified by the Romanian government. The first school is in Bucharest, and it has trained 28 students; the second school is in Buzau (120 km northeast of the capital), and it has trained 40 students. EFL announced that all those who passed their final exams in 2011 have found jobs!